January 22nd (Tues)

Today we had a great second day of the school week! All of the preschool children were happy to be in school today. They especially enjoyed dancing to today’s song during Circle Time.

We had fun playing with playdough again and the children got lots of practice making requests for Miss Akiko and me to make lizards and balls.

Several of the older children practiced grinding sesame seeds and were very excited to eat the results of their hard work.


I. was excited to work on the 6 piece puzzles again and happily completed all of the puzzles in the box. H. decided to try and make a paper spring. He did not like how the first one turned out so on his own he decided to try again! The children are all becoming much more determined.



T. experimented with colors today while painting and created several stunning shades of green through mixing. The younger children were very interested in watching him work.



Today for our gakudo, we had just one student. S. and I played Minecraft together on his server after he finished his math homework. He made a very nice house and garden with a waterfall for me! 😀 We enjoy watching the kids use their imaginations to create many amazing things, but it is also fun watching them destroy everything with TNT.

Let’s see what excitement tomorrow will bring us!