March 12 (Tue)

We had another fun and busy day today! We’ve been practicing, “Can I play?” and while it is too long for the younger students to say, they can answer. Little S. loves answering, “No!” with a big smile on her face every time I ask her, “Can I play?” But she answered, “Yes!” when I asked her, “Do you want help cleaning up?” It is so exciting watching the children communicate more and more.



T., H., and I. had a lot of fun playing with playdough today. They’ve expanded the number of requests they have for Miss Akiko and I to make. Recently I. has been trying to say, “Donut.” Donuts are harder to make than balls but we’ve been trying hard.


Today Little S. tried making a rubber band chain for the first time. She had a lot of fun saying, “Pull!” as she pulled the rubber bands together and saying, “Tada!” when she finished. I. and Older S. also made chains.



Today we had better weather so we were able to go to the park. The children found many sticks and enjoyed sticking them in the water. It was a good opportunity for them to get out their energy. We are glad that the weather is warming up!

